Saturday, September 14, 2019

Make Best Outfits from Whatever clothes you have

you tired of waking up every morning staring at a full closet trying to figure out what to wear and then thinking I have nothing to wear or maybe you finally agree on enough but only to realize that the core piece to pull this outfit off is dirty. Are you tired of always being underdressed compared to your friends? Giving you the time of day? Yeah, I'd be pissed too. But today, you no longer have to worry because we're you, lucky viewers, for a limited time.

If you stick with me your train happen that will take you to the Narnia good style, I will show you how once and for all, how you could solve the problem of having nothing to wear. And it's only going to cost you the very, very, very low price of your next five minutes. And also if you'd like to service Be sure to leave me a positive five star below. But if you're ready for this

How To Make Amazing Outfits
How To Make Amazing Outfits

Everything Seems Same

all your clothes, it looks the same. I don't know about you. But sometimes I just look into my closet and everything just looks the same. Now, this is normal in humans. So just have a closet just built out of jeans and T-shirts and sweaters and sneakers and shorts because this is what you're just most comfortable and what you gravitate towards. Now, this is great in part because they're basics that you must own. But if it's all you own, they principally end up matching to form a similar singular outfit, which is just not appropriate for every single scenario in your life. Which is why you end up feeling like you don't have anything to wear. So make an effort to diversify your wardrobe to not only have what makes you feel comfortable but also invest in dress your trousers that are well-fitted chinos fitted sweaters, you want to diversify your closet to help it assist you to create a different outfit for almost every occasion, it's going to assist you in life. 

Everything is Trendy

Everything in your closet, it's too trendy. Now, this doesn't mean just because of what I just said previously, you're just going to follow every trend in the book to try to diversify your closet, when it's super trendy pieces, you really can only end up wearing them once or twice in your life, or they'll take extra amount of confidence to actually even be able to pull them off. What you want to do is diversify your outfits. So it's not all streetwear or it's not all formal. What you don't want to do is wear stuff that's too edgy or too loud, meaning that you do need the basics, but you need the basics across different platforms. So you need your basics in formal wear and casual and streetwear and athletes are then you'll have enough that for whatever situation comes into your life, you'll have something away.

 Importance of Shoes

you don't have a strong base simple outfits can change drastically if your footwear goes up. So take, for example, something super simple like jeans and a T-shirt. Everybody has this into wardrobe couldn't do this with flip flops. What happens when you take those flip flops and change them for let's say some sneakers and then you change that into Chelsea. And then you change that into loafers. It's the same outfit, but because I have a strong base and I kept going up, it ended up looking better and better and better. Now don't think that you need 100 pairs of shoes. But just like I said previously, you do need a pair of shoes, at least in every situation in life. That way you always have something to wear and you're diversifying your fit. Also, don't think that you need to spend $600 per pair of shoes.

Nothing to wear in Wardrobe

you are disorganized Yeah, you know that feeling of disparity that you feel when you stare at your wardrobe with nothing to wear most of the time that comes because your closet is so disorganized, you only wear about 20% of your wardrobe because that's all that's visible to you. Everything else is a cluttered mess. Take some time on the weekend when you're not working or going to school to take stock of what you currently own. You're going to quickly realize that you like most people have a tendency to hold onto old items that represent your old life and all the experiences that you've had previous you need to get rid of that because that's overcrowding your closet instead of just keeping the pieces that represent you now and how you dress today. Once you do you're going to declutter that mess and only keep the items that make you look good now make you feel confident now. Everything else donates it to sell it You do whatever you want. And that's going to give you room so you can compose more outfits and see that you Yes, you do have something And finally 

Clothes for Only Events

you only buy clothes for a special occasion. I know this used to be me and it's something that most people do when you go shopping is usually because you had a party or an event to go to so you only buy clothes for those special occasions you figured that that that's the only time worthwhile to spend money than during the day when you got other important things going on. You look at your closet and you have nothing to wear when you look at it your closet is full of just going out clothes or the same can be said for work. You only buy clothes for work and nothing for play. Now when you have to go out with friends or a date you're in this awkward in-between where you need something dressy but not too dressy but also not your usual casual that looks like you're just lounging around. This is why it's important to diversify your outfits like I mentioned in the beginning and not just stick to one category. That is why you have nothing to wear. And that's it. I hope you enjoyed it. 

